I'm Getting Old!
Yesterday, in an attempt to keep up with my 4 1/2-year-old nephew, I did two things that a person pushing 30, no matter how in-shape, should think twice before attempting to do:
1. I did a cartwheel. It felt like I did it right- I landed on my feet, but I pulled something in my groin. My nephew also wasn't overly impressed, as he commented that my legs were not straight up over my head, to which I replied that he didn't do such a great job with his cartwheel either.
2. I swung on a swing. Man, are those things nauseating! The suspending chains were so narrowly spaced that my arms got tired. That, combined with my queasiness, made me slow down and come to a stop. This upset my nephew, as he liked having me swing beside him, so I had to start swinging and stirring up that queasy feeling again.
Thank goodness I am in one piece, but I realize that certain activities are meant for small, possibly even young, bodies (I'm not even 5'2", after all!)
I used to be a great tumbler - cartwheels, roundoffs, somersaults, backbends...at the age of thirty I developed an abnormal fear of being upside down under my own power. I can hang in suspension boots, lay on an inversion table - I CAN NOT do a cartwheel. I get sick to my stomach standing there thinking about it.
I love to swing. On a swing.
Yoga actually helps. I am able to do backbends (or "full wheel") again, and I'm working on headstands. What is the point of suspension botts and inversion tables anyway?
Suspension boots stink - but I can hang from them. They belonged to someone else and I was just giving them a try - I think he does sit ups while hanging from them. The inversion table I love - I have bad knees and a bad back ( bad genes and a car accident)...It stretches me out looonnnggg - we measured me once and I grew over 3/4 of an inch in an hour! ( it belongs to a client of mine and I only use it when he is away) It makes my back feel great and gives me a head rush. I wish I had the space to own one - oh and the money.
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