Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Things I Think About During Our Weekly Department Meetings

1. How was I so late today? What exactly did my cleaning lady do to my alarm clock that I ended up sleeping right through it?

2. Ah, chairs. I still can't believe that chairs are a relatively new invention, and that people used to squat rather than sit!

3. That date I had last night, oy! My old friend that set me up doesn't know me at all! I wonder if any of my old friends do...

4. I love her shirt! I wonder where she got it? Why don't I dress up more for work?

5. So after work- do I do the step class or use the elliptical? hmmmm....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Lose the chair and start squatting during departmental meetings.

2. Your legs will get in great shape and you won't have to do the step class or the elliptical.

3. Use the time you save working out to hunt down and kill your cleaning lady, who is clearly an alien intent on making you oversleep long enough to snatch your body.

4. Use the money you save on your body snatching cleaning lady to buy that cool shirt Departmental Donna is wearing.

5. Use your cool new shirt to attract a hip metro dude who's enamoured by your fashion sense, great legs, and remarkable time management skills, and say goodbye to the old fogey dating scene forever.

7/21/2005 2:41 PM  
Blogger LizeCR said...

How is it that you have so much faith in me, and how did you know I have great legs? (By the way, I thought about it and realized that my cleaning lady did not likely sabotage my alarm - I think I just plain slept through it.)

7/21/2005 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't say you have great legs, but you will if you squat all day at work? Do you??

7/21/2005 3:59 PM  
Blogger LizeCR said...

Maybe I do...all that exercise has to be good for something!

7/21/2005 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But do you know how to use them? :)

7/21/2005 5:20 PM  

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