Friday, September 02, 2005


I can't believe I forgot the most important part of yesterday's story! As ear-piercing-guy was shoving an earring through my cartilage his phone went off to the tune of the Transformers theme, and I started singing the words. He said he wouldn't let me leave- I had to stay and be his girlfriend. So a pointer for all you girls out there: if you want to truly impress a guy, brush up on your knowledge of childhood toys and shows that make men (and women who grew up with lots of brothers) nostalgic.

Thirty Going On Thirteen

I did something a little crazy today. My roommate Nani and I hung out in the West Village and got our ears pierced-left upper lobe, sixth piercing for each of us! Then we gazed at all the hot men (probably college boys) walking up and down the streets. Then we bought too many clothes and funky jewelry that neither of us really need. Grow up already! Sorry, I was just talking to myself. And Nani's allowed to be juvenile because she's only 28.