Thursday, June 30, 2005

It's been one of those weeks....

I wish I were an M&M. A red one. plain.

Monday, June 27, 2005

A Phobia in the Works

Enough with the cockroaches already! I had a nighmare about baby cockroaches hatching a few nights ago. Every time I see something move, feel a tickle on my skin... ahhhhh!!! I need to go out and by myself a toy stuffed cockroach and call him Roachie and sleep with him on my pillow to help me get over this. Either that or I'll have to submit to the flooding method and be locked in a room full of thousands of cockroaches, crawling all over me....Roachie it is!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Can Cockroaches Fly?

A few nights ago, I had a cockroach in my bedroom. It was about the size of an egg. I yelled so loud, I scared roommates. One of them came to save the day and catch him, but it was a fast little bugger and got away. I bravely stayed in my room, and about a half hour later I thought I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. I didn't think much of it, until I saw two very long antennae peering at me from behind my laptop screen. I screamed again, and Sarah came running in. The creature scurried along the top of my laptop screen, and Sarah tried to catch him, but he was too fast. She hought she had lost him inside my desk (AHHHH!!!). Suddenly, the insect FLEW across the room onto my closet door, and again onto a pile of clothes. Sarah eventually got it onto the floor, whapped it with one of my shoes, and took it away in a plastic bag. I thanked her profusely, even though I felt a little guilty that I let her kill it. Now I ask again: was that a cockroach? Can cockroaches fly?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I'm Back

I've been in Montreal for the last five days for my brother's wedding. It was a beautiful event, as were the weddings of each of my siblings over the last 6 years. He is the fourth of us five children to get married, leaving just me, the middle child, as the last one to tie the knot. So that even if I were to get married, my wedding would be quite anticlimactic-the same old shpeil. All the more reason to get married on a tropical island.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Thank you...

...for saving me from assured embarrassment. I was finishing up my cardio workout on Friday, yet another sweltering day, when the woman two machines away from me says, rather loudly over her headphones, "Excuse me! You have mascara running down your face!" I'm not sure the entire gym heard! Anyway, I guess it's not as bad as it would have been had she said nothing at all, because I was afforded the opportunity to wipe my face before getting off the machine and facing the world. So I really mean it when I say thanks.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Few of My Favorite Things

I really don't have much to say these days, so I thought I'd share a list of some of my favorite things:

Favorite game show: Jeopardy

Favorite salsa: Seeds of Change organic tomato and black bean salsa

Favorite shirt brand: Michael Stars

Favorite jeans brand: Mavi

Favorite flavor of Tasti D-lite: chocolate peanut butter cup

Favorite holiday: Passover

Favorite type of chocolate: dark

Favorite crime drama: Law & Order SVU

Favorite video game: Snood

Favorite song on my iPod: Jesus, etc.

Favorite country I have yet to visit: Australia

Favorite planet: Saturn

Favorite gem: tanzanite

Favorite car: Audi Quattro TT

Favorite Star Wars movie: Return of the Jedi

Favorite Star Trek movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Favorite science course: Organic Chemistry

So what do all these things reveal about me? I am pretty sure absolutely nothing! But if anyone has any ideas, feel free to share...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Still Shaking

A few days ago, the drain in my tub was really clogged, but I didn't have any Drano, so I decided (like an idiot) to manually unclog it. I share that bathroom with two long-haired girls. What I managed to pull out of that drain was something along the lines of a benign mature teratoma. If you are familiar with this term, you are now shuddering as I still am. If you are not, I have provided the following link:

Happy reading, and sweet dreams! (and remember to always have Drano on hand)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I realized a while back that someone had stuck a sign on my back reading: "Treat me like crap." The thing is, I still haven't made the effort to remove it.