Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Party after Party

So I have been doing my best to get out there and "socialize" (i.e, meet men). After two parties on Saturday night and a charity event tonight, I have managed to reinforce my pre-existing notion that all men are either weirdos or assholes. Who is brave enough to come forth and challenge my claim?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Elevator Etiquette

If you are getting into an elevator to go to the top floor, should you be courteous and let other people in ahead of you? Won't they be trapped by you when they try to get out, which is more annoying than being the last one in? This is the dilemma I face every day at work, where I exit the elevator on the 12th and top floor. Interestingly, I am on the receiving side of this gesture in my apartment building, as I live on the 3rd floor. I have been boxed in not only by the polite elevator riders, but also by my own large bags of purchases, trying to fight my way out of the elevator mere seconds after entering. I guess I'll take the courtesy, as long as they press the button for me.

Monday, August 22, 2005

A Bittersweet Birthday

My birthday has come and gone. Wednesday, August 17, 2005, started out somewhat depressing, because of my realization that I was no longer in my twenties. I was now truly an adult. Yet I didn't feel like I had accomplished anything someone my age should have, in terms of career and starting a family. But when I opened my inbox at work, I had a bunch of ecards from my friends. Throughout the days I got lots of phonecalls from friends and my family, I got gifts from my parents and grandparents, I went out with friends. The ususal birthday fare, I guess, but enough to make me happy. Who am I trying to fool? I will always be a kid at heart.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


There's a little under 2 hours left of Tisha B'Av, the fast day that commemorates the destruction of both Jewish Temples and exiles from Jerusalem, as well as other tragedies in Jewish history, such as the Holocaust. Rather than simply fasting, I tried to connect more to the Jewish community and to feel the loss incurred bythese events. I have felt very out of touch with Judaism lately, and I am trying to find my way back. As much as I cannot understand why these things happened, I can appreciate that we as a people and culture are still alive, and it is important for us to embrace our legacy for it to continue.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

In the Ring

So I fought in the ring yesterday. With a mouth guard and headgear, of course. My opponent was my trainer's girlfriend, who is about 3 inches taller than me and has way better footwork and quicker reflexes (her boyfriend is a former Golden Gloves champ, duh!) Just as I feared, my reflexes suck- I tend to close my eyes and turn away, rather than cover my face, like a boxer should. I think I got punched in the nose about 3 times. It gave me a massive headache, but I kept on going, like the Energizer Bunny. I did hit her a few times, but I had to ask her after to make sure. I plan on fighting her again-this time I'll try to keep my eyes open.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Note to Self...

When down in the dumps, do not watch Six Feet Under. If you watch the show, you understand.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fourteen Days and Counting...

My 30th birthday is now two weeks away. I find myself asking many philosophical questions, such as "what is the meaning of life," and "who is worse off-the one who dies or the loved ones he leaves behind?" I am trying to examine my accomplishments, but the only ones I can seem to count are the fact that I am now self-sufficient (not including the help I got from my family with school payments), and that I manage to give charitable donations every once in a while. I know that I won't feel truly accomplished until I am married and have children of my own. I am sure that many people would argue that having a family does not make for an accomplished person. Whatever- it's still something I want.